Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy



Personal Information


Personally identifiable information is collected only when individuals provide it to us voluntarily and knowingly. We will use the information you have supplied for the sole purpose of providing you with the information or services you have requested. If you contact us by e-mail, we may forward your e-mail address and other information you have supplied to our suppliers to respond to your request. New West Foods (WA) Pty Ltd does not sell, rent or trade personal information about you to or with any third parties except as necessary to carry out our business or as required by law. We will retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose for which the information was collected.


New West Foods (WA) Pty takes all reasonable measures to ensure that your personal information is stored and secured safely.




We will not attempt to identify personal information of users in their browsing activities. However, our server does allow us to view traffic information to our site. The data collected is to facilitate our web site and system administration and to make our site more useful and attractive to you.




Amendments to our Privacy Statement may occur. In an event of a change, any information collected will be subject to that amended Privacy Statement.
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